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Lauran Neergaard

Exercise in the ICU may speed your recovery

Some of the sickest can benefit from it

Doctors push straight talk as death nears

Videos aim to open honest discussions about care

Planning in the works for a better flu vaccine

Because the last one was only 18% effective

Lawmakers grill health officials

House members upset by this year’s flu season

Environment trumps genetics in shaping immune system

WASHINGTON – How your immune system does its job seems to depend more on your environment and the germs you encounter than on your genes, says new research that put twins to the test to find...

Teens trending toward e-cigarettes, study says

WASHINGTON – More teens are trying out e-cigarettes than the real thing, according to the government’s annual drug-use survey. Researchers were surprised at how many eighth-, 10th...

Experts warn of torture impact

Doctors: Stress, fear can change structures in human brains

The next outbreak is ...

U.S. looks past Ebola to prepare for next contagion

Reading Harry Potter gives clues to brain activity

WASHINGTON – Reading about Harry Potter’s adventures learning to fly his broomstick activates some of the same regions in the brain we use to perceive real people’s actions and intentions. ...

Solving the puzzle of surgical recovery time

Researchers study why some people recover faster

Our bacteria travel everywhere with us

Researchers attempting to understand microbiome, how it affects our health

What makes math brains?

The ol’ noggin needs experience to retain those arithmetic solutions